In the complex world of today, the days seem to be shorter, the duties seem to be many and the abilities to keep a healthy balance with everything it’s a challenge.
How many times have you said: “If I could have a little more time!…” or “I just can’t do everything I have to! There’s no time!”. You are not alone. Most of the people have a problem with time, bigger or smaller, more or less.
This is an experiencial workshop based on a coaching approach to how you should change the management of your time for better performance and wellbeing.
There are 5 steps to take:
- Identify the problem! Why you have a problem with time management? How the problem interferes with your serenity?
(lazzyness, lack of motivation, lack of focus, under-qualification, confusion, etc)
- Know yourselve! What are your patterns, habits, your stranghts and weaknesses?
(early bird or night owl? last minute achiever? Reward seeker? Flexibility? Stuberness? quick decission maker?, analitycal? Skeptical?,etc)
- Acknowledge what is! Where are the points where you can intervine and change?
What are the “given” facts? What you can change and what you can not change? (procrastination, distractions, inefficiency, bad habits, etc)
- Find your resourses! What do you need in order to do that?
- What are the techniques you can use to better manage your time?
(pomodoro technique, outsourcing, Get Things Done, Ultradian Rythms, the big rocks system, one thing at a time, etc)
2. Few tips? (Mindfulness, add buffers, declutter, limit social media, good sleeping, positive psychology, journaling, etc)
- Make a strategy and a plan! What works for you? How do you measure your progress?
(“to do” lists, “not to do” lists, schedules, checking points, etc)
You should find the “why” and understand the deeper level of the problem in order to find the right solution. There is no “one solution feets all”. But you can identify patterns and change them. You can find motivations and resourses that are individual and specific.
You can share, inspire and get support from a team of people that aim to solve the same problem! A Work to better manage your time in no time!