Thanks to the internet and social media, everybody has become a “little brand” nowadays, whether by choice, or by accident. We are a system of who we are, who we want to be, how we are perceived by others, how we react to situations and random events that turn on random flashlights. Sometimes this matches the way we like to be seen as, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s not only a question of design, words and volume, it’s a question of deeper personal things like intention and values.
In order to be perceived the way you want, you have to consider two things:
It doesn’t always depend on you… There are specific landscapes in the society. Each person has a filter that is built based on one’s values and experiences. Therefore, you cannot “force” a certain perception into anybody, and especially into the people you don’t know. But…
There are things that depend on you! You have to be clear and consistent with who you want to be perceived as and know the context. If this comes from your inner value system, your core beliefs and long-term objectives, then you can project a consistent and authentic image.
The most important thing you have to work on for building a strong impression is to know yourself and to know what are the qualities and strengths that you want others to see in you. It’s important to acknowledge your weaknesses, too. The people fall in love, but avoid to interact with perfect heroes. A little weakness will make you human and get some sympathy. And always know the field! Observe the community and the social group where you play. Learn its rules and habits.
How can this workshop help you?
Here are some of the steps covered during the workshop that will help you build the desired Personal Branding:
- What is your objective? What do you want to accomplish in the interactions where your personal branding will be seen? Short term? Long term? Lifetime? Know your destination!
- SWOT analysis! Have a sincere personal internal evaluation of yourself!
- What are the qualities that help you achieve your objective? What is your unique strength? Find the treasure within and use it!
- What are the weaknesses that make you human? Turn the liabilities into strengths!
- Who is it you want to communicate to? Where are they? What are they doing? What do they admire? What are their values?
- Create: Your vision, your mission, your message, your picture
- Build your personal brand:
- Determine your emotional appeal
- Create your desired image
- Determine your function
- Put it all together
- The onion type of communication – layers to uncover (beliefs, vision of the world, interests, passions, hobbies, small talk)
- Tactics – 3 steps in communicating to let people like you:
- Build a human connection (see)
- Say something interesting (know)
- Be authentic (and vulnerable) (trust)
- Continuous adjustment and evaluation. Life goes on, societies evolve, we are “work in progress”
Who is this for?
For absolutely anyone! We should all be aware of our personal image, because we all want to be liked and accepted. Some might think they’d rather be 100% authentic, but even in doing so you have to take certain things into consideration. Whether you’re a young professional at the beginning of your career or already a well-established individual, this workshop will offer tips to be an even better version of yourself!
Building your Personal Brand is useful not only for the artists and public people, but for everybody. We are all “actors” on social media, after all! It’s a micro marketing effort that will help you better interact will people, on-line and off-line.